Disposable pads for maximum cleaning & uniform chemical application

100% synthetic Laundry-Free™ Premira® II Microfiber Floor Pads provide superior dirt and debris removal compared to reusable textiles like cotton or laundered microfiber. Laundry-Free™ Premira® II pads decrease crosscontamination risks with a new pad for each use. No risk of quat binding. Compatible with commercially available mop hardware. For improved function and ergonomic ease, use with Contec’s hardware. US Patent Nos. 8,809,213;D67,513; 9,693,668; and 10,010,233.

• Decreases cross-contamination risk with a new pad each use.
• Broad chemical compatibility, improved disinfectant efficacy
• Consistently better cleaning vs. launderables
• Optimize staff efficienc
• Simplified logistics, lean storage footprint

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