Efficient Workplaces Need Well-Trained Staff

Nichols customers know that our team of experts is here to help when training is needed. Over the years we’ve offered training in customer’s facilities, at the various Nichols branches, hosted at a nice hotel venue, and occasional webinars. From ISSA certifications to Packaging 101, we bring the mentoring and expertise to your teams, but certainly the pandemic put a damper on that. While we offered webinars and live video training throughout the crisis, we are very excited to begin a journey back to in person classes; starting with our Two-Day Facility Maintenance Technician Workshop scheduled for next week in our Cleveland branch. Now we want to continue to offer a variety of ways to keep your teams up to speed. In addition to in-person trainings that we’ve traditionally offered, we now have a customer only robust training resource library that enables on demand training for your teams.  

With today’s challenging staffing environment paired with high turnover, having a solid training regime is imperative regardless of the position.  Within the Nichols Training Resource repository, we have compiled a collection of over 135 training resources to help you streamline onboarding new associates with confidence.  Once you peruse and pick your favorites, perhaps you would like to make list of your required trainings with the Nichols My List feature.

Training is not just for new hires. For maximum efficiency, you will want to be sure the entire team is using the same processes. That means if it is a new to your company process, the entire team should be trained. Even people with years of experience under their belt have room to learn and grow!

If you are not already using Nichols ecommerce site, now you have yet another reason to log in! The new widget is easily accessible on your Nichols dashboard once you are logged into the site. The content is easy to navigate with ten key sub-categories of training materials and within each, applicable attributes such as medium and brand that allow you to quickly find what you are looking for.

Gojo Germology 101 Video… Available on demand.

Kimberly Clark Super Hero Handwashing Poster, we’ve got that!

Cleaning Best Practices Guide from Rubbermaid… of course.

Quick access for registered users to Spartan’s multi-module CleanCheck system, Check!

In addition to the 135+ training resources from more than 15 suppliers, we have some great content from our internal experts as well.  Categories of training go beyond Clean and Healthy Facilities and The Safe Shipment of Product… we tie in the total package. We have a category for Sustainability featuring our LEED-AP Renae Hesselink; relevant Tech Training like our modules on the Nichols online ordering site and emerging Tech Trends; and Professional Development where we will have time management skills training, social media tips, and more!

Remember The resource library will continue to grow to address your team’s growing needs. We’re Here to Help! #H2H