Improve Productivity With Sealed Air Pack Station Solutions

Consumer Demands Continue to Pressure E-Commerce Shippersauto bag sealed air

Growing consumer demands continue to put immense pressure on e-commerce companies to ship more orders in shorter timeframes. Increasing labor to pack orders or expanding your warehouse footprint to help meet the demand isn’t an option for most — nor is it sustainable. The solution is to optimize your manual packaging process by taking incremental steps toward automation.

Automate Manual Packing Stations to Improve Fulfillment Productivity

For many e-commerce and fulfillment companies, the pick and pack process has a direct impact on warehouse productivity, business profitability, and the satisfaction of warehouse employees and customers. Without methodically designed packaging stations that meet the demands of both warehouse managers and their packers, companies are at risk of: 

  • Difficulty with labor retention due to unhappy packers
  • Higher packaging material costs due to inefficient and disparate packing methods
  • Dissatisfied customers due to longer production lead times and slower order throughput
  • Poor demand forecasting due to process unpredictability
  • Worker injury due to non-ergonomic pack stations 

Semi-Automated Packaging Systems That Meet Your Immediate Needs

auto bag solutions sealed air packaging

You don’t have to jump to complete automation if you’re not ready. Automated packaging solutions can come in different, flexible sizes that meet your immediate needs. Semi-automated packaging solutions can address these risks without a large capital investment and can provide immediate ROI. Sealed Air offers a complete range of packaging materials and semi-automated equipment that adapt to your current operation, are easy to install, and make the most of every resource you have today.