America Recycles Day 2020

america recycles dayAmerica Recycles Day is November 15, 2020. America Recycles Day is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to recycling and recycling education. Originally developed by Keep America Beautiful to motivate, educate and bring more awareness to recycling all around the country.

While the number of scheduled activities may be limited by COVID-19 restrictions, there are still plenty of recycling projects that can happen in your home or business. We only have one Earth; let us not allow the pandemic to keep us from protecting the environment and maintaining our valuable resources.

7 Ideas for Supporting America Recycles Day

  1. Place accessible recycling bins in your home or office.
  2. Learn about local recycling resources and locations, if pick up is not available to you.
  3. Collect recyclables from neighbors and offer to transport them to a collection point.
  4. Order pizza! Separate the greasy bottom of the pizza box from the clean top and recycle the top.
  5. Break down empty cardboard boxes from deliveries and get them in a recycling container.
  6. Bring metal hangers back to your dry cleaners.
  7. For commercial and industrial businesses that handle a lot of paper, newsprint and cardboard, gather all recyclable scraps and drop them off at your local recycling center…better yet – partner with Nichols on a recycling program!