What to ask when you’re interviewing a BSC

Finding any employee is tough, but finding a great building service contractor can be especially challenging. They have to be trustworthy, efficient, and knowledgeable about their trade. And if you’re trying to be sustainable, then your standards need to be even higher.

You know the right type of company. You can picture them in your mind. Now all you have to do is find them. But how do you decide on the right fit after just one interview? How can you be sure they’ll live up to your green cleaning standards? What do you ask this potential contractor?

Here’s our guide to the perfect BSC interview.


1. Ask what they know about Green Cleaning.

Be upfront. If they don’t even know what it is, then this isn’t the person for you. If they do, ask more probing questions, like their familiarity with the US Building Council or LEED Certification. This will give you a good gauge of their general knowledge of Green Cleaning.

2. What do you see as the benefits of Green Cleaning?

Next, ask them the benefits of Green Cleaning. Hearing how they sell Green Cleaning to their clients can help you gauge how they feel about Green Cleaning in general. You want a partner who believes in sustainability as much as you do. If there is no passion and enthusiasm in their answer, maybe they aren’t the right fit.

3. Ask about their experience and expertise.

Who else do you do Green Cleaning for? What is the extent of your green services? These are important questions to ask. While you shouldn’t be entirely opposed to being someone’s first Green Cleaning building, it’s always better to work with an experienced partner. Ask for “green” references and vet them for some great, honest answers.

4. Ask about their services and equipment.

Obviously, whichever contractor you select has to have the correct services to fit your needs. Finding out the equipment that your potential contractor is using can be eye-opening as well. Make sure everything they use is certified. Here are some major certifications to watch out for:

  • Green Seal – Chemicals
  • Carpet & Rug Institute – Vacuum Cleaners
  • EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines – Janitorial Paper

5. What separates your program from the others?

Everybody has a “green” glass cleaner, and they all work. But why specifically should you choose this program over any others? Does it meet LEED-Existing Building Standards? Is it a great value? Do they communicate the benefits and values of their services well? Are their procedures designed for better building health? If they can separate themselves as a truly superior choice, you’ll have no problem making your decision.If you had a blank slate, what would you do with our facility to be greener?

6. If you had a blank slate, what would you do with our facility to improve sustainability?

This is our favorite question to ask a building service contractor. Just like you, we’re always looking for ways to be more sustainable. We’re looking for partners in sustainability, not just a contractor who does their job and leaves. If the BSC you interview has great suggestions on how you can improve your sustainability, then they’re definitely worth considering.

Good luck on your search for the perfect building service contractor. Hopefully, this guide will help you weed out the good from the bad and get you on the path to being more sustainable than ever.