Nichols Honored with 2019 DEAL Award for Leadership in Sustainability for both Norton Shores, MI and Bowling Green, OH Facilities
For the third year, Nichols has been honored with 2019 DEAL Award for Leadership in Sustainability. The award was presented at the 2019 ISSA Tradeshow held in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 18–21, 2019. It recognizes the outstanding performance, contributions, and leadership of organizations that participate in the DEAL program. Distributor Efficiency Analytics & Learning—DEAL—is a comprehensive program developed by Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC. In addition to our Norton Shores Headquarters and Distribution Center in 2019 we added our Nichols Bowling Green, Ohio facility and achieved recognition for accomplishments there as well.
This “dashboard” technology incorporates three core components:
- Learning
- Analytics
- Recognition
“Together, these three components help distributors, wholesalers, and manufacturers benchmark their use of natural resources, reduce their environmental impacts, streamline business operations, and realize significant cost savings in the process,” says Katrina Saucier, program manager for Sustainability Dashboard Tools, LLC.
To help them accomplish this, “the DEAL program conducts semiannual, one-on-one performance reviews,” Saucier says. “The reviews quantify the effect of each participant’s involvement in the DEAL program in terms of money saved, expenditures averted, and environmental impact.”
In early 2019 Nichols upgraded our warehouse lighting system in both Norton Shores and Bowling Green to include new fixtures with LED lamps along with occupancy sensors at each fixture. We anticipate these upgrades to save 10% in electricity in Norton Shores and 30% in Bowling Green. Cost avoidance of nearly $20,000. We also took advantage of utility company rebates to help shorten our return on investment for these projects.
“We are honored to receive these awards and earn this recognition,” says Renae Hesselink, Vice President of Sustainability. “We are proud of what we have accomplished we have been at this for years and there are always more ways to conserve as technology changes and becomes more affordable.”
The DEAL program isn’t a “one-and-done” certification, according to Hesselink. It is an ongoing process focused on continuous improvement and helps us set goals and hold ourselves accountable. This program will help us improve our operational efficiencies and, in turn, make us a better partner for all our customers.”