Nichols Offers CITS to Increase YOUR Employee Retention

In the extremely competitive hiring market of 2017, offering comprehensive and diverse training options is just one way you can win over a potential candidate. And when it comes to clean and healthy facilities in which we work, learn, shop and play… it is important that our cleaning staff be as knowledgeable about their jobs as our electricians, HVAC and plumbers are in theirs. Now, finally, custodians too have nationally accredited standards to train under. Imagine the onboarding conversation when you can tell your new team members that you are investing in a certification for them to insure they have the knowledge and confidence to do their job well and with pride.

Introducing CITS. The Cleaning Industry Training Standard. ISSA (International Sanitary Supply Association) spent considerable time and worked with many professionals across the country to develop this program. CITS raises the bar on training for our custodial workforces, supervisors and management. Not only do the individual training course contents undergo audits to ensure they meet the quality guidelines established, but the trainers themselves also have to obtain certification as Accredited Certified Trainers (A.C.T.).  (Believe it or not, not everyone who has cleaned a restroom can adequately train on cleaning a restroom!)

Nichols is proud to have two ISSA Accredited Certified Trainers available to help our customers who want to see an uptick in their custodial departments’ results, morale and engagement. Through several of our strategic suppliers, we can offer over 40 different training courses that earn CITS certifications. We hosted two of these as we began this journey in 2017, and are planning at least five more courses in several of our geographic markets for 2018. But if you want CITS training just for your team, that is certainly an option as well!

But wait there’s more…


Innovation, Knowledge, Excellence.   One way we deliver on our promise of You First for our customers!

While we have raised the bar in support of ISSA and in light of being able to offer YOU national certifications, we have always focused on bringing Knowledge to our customers. We call it the Nichols College of Knowledge. So in addition to the 42 current CITS options, we also continue to offer training on equipment pm, chemistry of clean, packaging innovations, sustainability, workloading, and much more. Watch for our 2018 College of Knowledge Events and in-house training menu by December. Have requests?  We are always curious what new topic would you like us to train on! Contact [email protected] or [email protected] with your input.