Searching for the Nichols Treasure on the Map

We have a new website! The new website is more than just a new look! We’ve made several improvements including: search, product information, usability and more! You’re probably wondering where to start or how does it work? Our website search works very similar to search engines, there are several ways you can search to find the product(s) you are looking for. You can search by product number, product name, brand name, product category, associated products or even product features.

Tried it, but couldn’t find the products you were looking for? That is probably because the product you are searching for is tied to only your account. You will need to log into your account first, then search again and the product will appear!

Here are some additional tips when searching for products and solutions.

Product Name: Not sure what the product number is, but you know the name of your desired product? Perfect, just type that into the search bar. Let’s try Clorox Bio Stain & Odor Remover.

product name search

Brands: Don’t know the name of your product, but you know the Brand Name? No problem, you can search that way too!

brands search

Once you are at the brands page, you will have the option to Search All Products, Search By Category or even Search Top Sellers.

brands search

When you are searching within brands, if you select Shop All Products, you will be able narrow your product results down by category using the Filter on the left side.

brands search

brands search

Product Category: Just looking to browse? No problem, you have a couple different options.

Hover your mouse over Shop Products and select the product category you are interested in.

products category search

Or you can type the category in the Search Bar.

product category search

When you are searching within a Product Category, you will be able narrow your product results down by features or attributes using the Filter on the left side.

product category search

Product Features: Not sure exactly what you are looking for? You can search by key product features. Let’s try searching for a Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner.

product features

Associated Products: You want to purchase Floor Finish, you probably want to buy Floor Stripper as well? Find the Floor Finish you are interested in, scroll to the bottom and find an associated product that interests you.

associated products

Product Number: The easiest way to search for a product is if you know the product number. Let’s try product number: SYZRS700

product number

Now it’s your turn! Give it a shot, feel free to contact your Customer Service Representative if you have any additional questions. Happy Shopping! 😊