Textbook Cleaning & The Value of Healthy Schools

It is logical that the cleaner a school is, the healthier its students will be; harmful microbes thrive on frequently touched surfaces like dirty desks and doorknobs. As a result, poorly maintained schools lead to more sick students staying home, putting districts at risk of losing attendance-based state and federal funding. Studies have also shown something less obvious: Students in cleaner schools perform better academically.

Essential Tools and Tactics

With funding, student health and educational performance at stake, school administrators must understand the importance of a comprehensive cleaning program. Equipped with the following best practices and solutions, janitorial staff can lay the foundation of a successful school year.

Purchasing products that improve hygiene and are well-suited to clean specific areas within a school can enhance the institution’s image and support the well-being of students and staff.

  • Stocking hand hygiene essentials. Common infections are spread by hands in 80% of cases. Naturally, then, hand hygiene is a proper place to start on the path toward a cleaner, healthier school. Dispensers with touch-free settings give students access to hand sanitizer and soap without spreading germs onto another surface. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the most effective hand sanitizers contain at least 60% alcohol, and users should rub their hands together for at least 20 seconds.
  • Disinfecting the dirtiest spots. Restrooms, locker rooms and showers require extra attention to eradicate bacteria and fungi. Look for non-acid disinfectants that clean, deodorize and disinfect all in one step and can also be used on surfaces such as desks, chairs and light switches. Schools also need heavy-duty non-streak glass cleaners for a spot-free, germ-free shine on mirrors, windows and stainless-steel surfaces.
  • Cleaning the court. Students walk on gymnasium floors daily, causing scuffs and tracking in dirt. Ensure wood finishes are long-lasting and maintained with diamond pads that simultaneously clean and polish to brilliantly shine all year.

Schools can also benefit from solutions that support sustainability, such as super-concentrated, high-performance cleaners that cost pennies per day as well as certified green products. Today there are products and procedures certified by GREENGUARD, Green Seal and ECOLOGO®. Incorporating sustainable solutions not only positions a school as an environmental leader but supports indoor air quality and overall health and safety.

Read the full blog by Diversey.