What's Your Facilities Value of Clean?

The budget is tight, you don’t have any more mop heads, but you know you need to clean your floors … so what do you do? Using an old sweatshirt or t-shirt is not the answer. While innovative, it’s not the proper solution.

At Nichols we know that too often the value of clean in facilities is overlooked. When budgets are tight, it is common that the custodial department is the first to be considered for cuts. You face reductions in overhead in the form of people, right down to the budget for tools and products you need to do the job efficiently.

The Value of Clean should be calculated by more than just cost of tools, staffing and product. Nichols is here to help you advocate and reinforce the value you provide.

Some of the most common ways to generate cost savings through cleaning include:

  1. Work Ticket Resolution Costs: Dividing the total annual operating expense (employee salaries, overtime pay, benefits, incentive compensation, time and miscellaneous expenses) by the annual number of tickets handled.
  2. Occupant Wellness: Absenteeism: Absenteeism is more than just lost workers; it comes with many hidden costs. To calculate, multiply any additional hourly costs (temporary employment or overtime on other associates) by the number of hours incurred and add that to the direct costs of the absent employee(s).
  3. Improved Productivity: Presenteeism: When an employee is ill, but feels they need to come into work anyway, this can result in up to 33% less productivity.
    Building Population X Average Salary X 5% = Value of Cleanliness.

  4. Image Enhancement: Customer Satisfaction: Seems obvious that customers prefer to do business with companies who have clean facilities. Poor image can also cost your business direct revenue through: slip and falls, higher insurance fees and more.
  5. Asset Preservation: Cleaning plays a significant role in extending asset life cycles and increasing return of investment. Cost of Product & Installation + Removal and Disposal Cost + Cost of Cleaning over Product Lifetime / Product Life in Years + Life Cycle Cost Per Year