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Ensuring that our customers have the latest information is another way that Nichols delivers on the promise of I.K.E. Considering the importance of Food Safety and the current FightBAC Food Safety Month campaign, we thought our Food Processing customers would enjoy learning more about HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls) and how it works with (not instead of) current HACCP programs.
HACCP and HARPC share more than just four letters. They’re both food safety standards based on prevention, but they do differ on execution. Their differences and the similarities aren’t as important as the way they fit together for most food processors, though. A HARPC plan shouldn’t be considered as a replacement, but as a necessary upgrade to the conventional HACCP plan. Understanding how the systems fit together is the first step toward implementing both. Remco, one of Nichols valued suppliers, recently put together this helpful whitepaper on the topic. You can download the whitepaper via the link below:
HARPC is a provision of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act that requires food manufacturers, packers, etc. to identify food safety and adulteration risks associated with their foods and processes, to implement controls to minimize the risks, to verify that the controls are working, and to design and implement corrective actions to address any deviations from the controls that might arise. (2017, HARPC.COM)
According to the FDA, this week marked a key compliance date for FSMA, whereas small businesses need to be in compliance. While large businesses (over 500 employees) should have been compliant since last September and very small businesses have until September 2018. (See link above for complete information).