Clorox Clean for Health: Back to School

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Going back to school can be scary for many reasons, don't let your fear of staying clean be one of them! It's easy to be overwhelmed with new products killing viruses you've never heard of, so let's take it back to basics. CloroxPro is here to offer you cleaning solutions wherever your messes happen.



Pine-Sol Scented All Purpose Cleaners

Fight germs and tough odors with the distinctive scents of the Pine-Sol All Purpose Cleaners. These products tackle grease and grime without leaving behind that sticky residue. 

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Clorox ecoClean

Clorox EcoClean Disinfecting Cleaner

An eco-conscious disinfecting alternative that focuses on keeping surfaces and facilities clean while utilizing EPA Safer Choice ingredients. Able to provide effective surface coverage and protection. 

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Clorox Disinfecting Wipes

Clorox Disposable Disinfecting Wipes

Cleans and disinfects 99.9% of germs in just one step! These wipes are able to kill the viruses and bacteria that can cause the common cold, flu, E. coli, strep, salmonella, and more!

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Restroom Care Toolkit
This toolkit includes information for the facility manager, the cleaning supervisor and the cleaning staff.

Use this toolkit to keep restroom(s) clean and healthy:

  • Train staff with the Restroom Cleaning Protocol, the 10 Minute Day Porter Protocol, and the How to Clean Up Blood and Body Fluids Protocol.
  • Print the supplies lists so that cleaning staff always knows what supplies to have on hand.
  • Learn how to best use CloroxPro® Germicidal Bleach to disinfect the restroom.
  • Finally, fill in and print out the letter to your patrons and post it in the restroom.

Use this toolkit in the way that it was intended and you’ll be glad you did!

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Clorox Restroom Care Toolkit


Deep Cleaning Protocols Cover

Deep Cleaning Protocols Guide
A clean facility is important for the health and safety of occupants, visitors, and staff. Beyond routine cleaning and disinfection procedures, deep cleaning is needed periodically (monthly, quarterly, etc.) to help enhance a facility’s appearance as well as eliminate germs, mold, and other potentially harmful matter that can build up slowly over time. Deep cleaning includes taking a more intensive approach, focusing on larger tasks and spaces that may be difficult to get to weekly.

Beyond typical deep cleaning practices, consider the following tasks to enhance your facility’s commitment to cleaning for health. Since deep cleaning takes time, consider documenting how long each task takes to help with planning for this work in the future.

Be sure to use all cleaning and disinfecting products in accordance with manufacturer’s directions for use on the label.

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